an executive forum agenda

The Executive Forum


  1. BulletReview Agenda/Action Items

  2. Bullet3 minute State of the Business - Victories, Priorities, Stucks


  1. BulletQuantitative data, Qualitative issues, Summary, Action items


  1. BulletBrief discussion, review and comment (focused on relevant experience and brainstorming/problem solving) on each organization’s Burning Issue

Business Review

  1. BulletOne company at each meeting will present a business case regarding a current strategic issue or change program.

  2. BulletThis discussion will be structured, facilitated and geared to decision support. Each business review organization’s material will be distributed to all other participants one week before the meeting.

Learning Edge

  1. BulletPresentation, discussion and hands on experience with leading thinkers, such as Jim Collins, Verne Harnish, Chet Holmes, Pat Lencioni

Great Ideas

  1. BulletEach participant contributes a specific idea that has made or saved you money or a specific business development opportunity. Participants contribute $20 per idea; winner take all.

Last Call

  1. BulletAll participants put their Action Items on a flip chart

  2. BulletNext meeting Business Review volunteers

  3. BulletAnnounce Great Idea winner

Adjourn meeting/Executive Forum dinner