Clark Metal Products


Clark Metal Products

Blairsville, PA

A leader in metal fabrication, helping clients successfully design and manufacture products

Rob Clark, Vice President - Operations

Client Situation: Clark Metal had a strong strategic plan, but was struggling to cascade the strategic objectives into an action plan with measurable results.  The management team recognized the need to develop a simple, but effective means of holding themselves accountable to their strategic objectives.

Solution: Clark Metal Products partnered with One Step Beyond to create a detailed Action Plan to guide the company’s strategy execution efforts and followed up by creating and implementing a Marketing & Sales Strategy. Executive Coaching and participation in The Executive Forum is helping to keep Clark Metal focused on a range of improvement opportunities.

Impact: The metal fabrication industry has been severely impacted by the recession. But because Clark Metal now has an action plan with clear milestones and measurements, they are confident that they will emerge from this challenging period stronger than ever.  The Marketing and Sales strategy that was developed has resulted in an unprecedented number of new prospects and new customers.

To learn more about Clark Metals’ disciplined approach, reach out to Rob Clark at