PC Network Services
PC Network Services
Pittsburgh, PA
We keep your IT infrastructure stable, your costs predictable, and your staff focused on
activities that execute your business strategy and add to the bottom line.
Peter R. Briden, President
Client Situation: PC Network Services has experienced steady growth since being formed nearly two decades ago. With growth and changes in technology came increased complexity. When the company came across Verne Harnish, author of Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, they found a strategy tool they wanted to adopt.
Solution: Through One Step Beyond and its partnership with Gazelles, Verne Harnish’s consulting arm, PC Network Services committed to a 12 month program to learn and implement the Rockefeller Habits. This is being accomplished through a 2-day “deep dive” to develop a baseline One-Page Strategic Plan, continuous coaching on implementation and a series of Quarterly Planning sessions.
Impact: The PC Network Services executive team has fully embraced the Rockefeller Habits as a strategy development and execution framework. They have committed to a One-Page Plan and are already hard at work implementing such key concepts as defining and deploying the company’s Core Values and restructuring the firm’s Meeting Rhythms.
To learn more about PC Network Services’ experience with the Rockefeller Habits, contact Peter Briden at PBriden@pcnsinc.com